Every October, cooperatives all across the world celebrate Cooperative Month. There are many different types of cooperatives, but we all operate from the same set of core principles. These differentiate co-ops from other businesses.
1. Voluntary and open membership
2. Democratic member control
3. Member’s economic participation
4. Autonomy and independence
5. Education, training and information
6. cooperation among cooperatives
7. Concern for community
It feels good to know that while we work for an electric cooperative, we are working for more than just a paycheck; we are working for a purpose! You, the member, are our OWNER! Being a member-owner gives you the power and the voice to have a say in how your electric cooperative is operated. Check out your local cooperative’s website. See when your Annual Meeting or other cooperative events are taking place. Vote when your neighbors are up for election on the board of directors or there is a bylaw change. Encourage your children to apply for the scholarships and educational opportunities sponsored by your co-op. There are many benefits to being a member of your local electric cooperative!
Thanks for being a member! Happy Cooperative Month!